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24 Faces of Celebd India 2024 Trending

Swatti Bakshi: A Trailblazing Face of Celebd 2024

Swatti Bakshi, one of the 24 Faces of Celebd 2024, embodies the confidence, creativity, and individuality of the Gen Z generation. In an exclusive interview with Teen Celebd, Swatti opens up about her personal style, beauty regimen, and views on modern relationships.

Her vibrant personality shines through every answer, offering a refreshing perspective on navigating life in a fast-paced, digitally connected world.

Fashion & Beauty: Confidence is Key

On Personal Style:

Swatti believes in staying authentic to her personal style. “If one has a strong sense of personal style, they can survive any fashion fad!” she says. Mixing comfort with a touch of slay, she invests in timeless pieces while avoiding fast fashion.

Makeup Must-Haves:

Her essentials include lip gloss, kajal, and mascara. On regular days, she keeps it minimal with sunscreen, lip balm, and kajal, reserving full glam for shoots.

Skincare Rituals:

Swatti values her skincare routine as “me time.” With a simple regimen of cleansing, serum, cream, and lip balm, she ensures her skin stays radiant without overloading it with products.

Hair Experiments:

While she loves her natural hair, Swatti doesn’t shy away from experimenting, blending her innate style with bold changes.

Social Media & Lifestyle: Balancing the Online World

Filters vs. No Filter:

Although Swatti once indulged in filters, she now embraces her natural beauty, believing in realistic and authentic representations.

Social Media Usage:

To maintain balance, she uses a social media alarm to regulate her screen time, ensuring mental health takes priority over online interaction.

Meme Lover:

Swatti admits to being a meme enthusiast, often flooding her bestie’s inbox with hilarious finds.

Relationships & Personal Life: Keeping It Real

Dating Views:

For Swatti, meeting someone in real life trumps swiping right on apps. She values meaningful connections and believes in mutual respect as a relationship foundation.

Friendship Over Romance:

Swatti emphasizes the importance of friendships, saying, “Friendships should be prioritized over romantic relationships because they come with no expectations and allow you to be your true self.”

Hobbies & Wanderlust: Living Life Fully

Passions Beyond Work:

When not working, Swatti loves traveling, dancing, exploring her city, and learning new skills every few months.

Travel Philosophy:

She enjoys both iconic landmarks and hidden gems, depending on her travel purpose. For her, it’s all about capturing the moment once and then living fully in it.

Mental Health Matters

Swatti believes in the importance of mental health, choosing to rise above negativity on social media. “People projecting insecurity are not worth your peace,” she asserts.

Swatti Bakshi exemplifies the modern Gen Z ethos—authentic, confident, and unapologetically herself. As one of Celebd’s 24 Faces of 2024, she inspires others to embrace individuality while staying grounded in their values.

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